The wifi was out for nearly a week, so I have enough pictures to write 5 blog posts or so, but because I'm lazy, I'm gonna condense it all into one.
Tuesday was Ghandi’s birthday, so there was no school. I spent the day with my host sister, Sanjna, watching tv specials that I almost understood. Wednesday was my college’s last day before Puja holidays, so they had a big cultural program that afternoon. One of the students lent me one of her sarees, so I wore that for a couple hours.
cliché inspirational posters dot school hallways everywhere. |
the school's statue of Ma Durga |
public bathroom aww yeah |

Saturday and Sunday it rained pretty much nonstop. And really, rain in West Bengal = the most kickbutt rainstorms ever. EVER. Flooding is considered routine around here. I would say that I love the storms, because I’m the type of person that enjoys being out in the rain, but I love wifi more and the storms knock it out for DAYS ON END. (Though, on the plus side, my host sister and I have bonded over our mutual despair on the lack of internet.)
I took a pic just as lightning light up the sky, cause I'm awesome like that. |
Monday we spent the day in Calcutta. Sanjna goes to college there, and since Puja holidays are beginning on Wednesday (think Christmas break) my host mom and I went with her to pick up some more of her luggage. We wandered around Cal for a several hours, visiting a couple clothing markets before it started raining – Diwali is coming up, so my host mom needs a whole bunch of new outfits. It took me until the train ride back to figure city felt vaguely familiar: Calcutta is pretty much the India version of Boston.
at the bus station |
Sanjna's dorm |
indoor market |
I saw shaun the sheep, a fact that makes me very happy. |
funky yellow taxis that are seen only in Calcutta |
train station |
Tuesday I traveled to a nearby town with my host father to submit my foreign residence papers. I’m supposed to have then all submitted by the two-week mark, but when we went to finish everything up, we discovered that we didn’t have all the paperwork we needed. The process is very similar to the visa fiasco; it’s amazing anything gets done over here. Ah, well. The four hour drive gave me time to see more of the country side. I didn’t think that the Foreign residence office would be so far away, so I didn’t bring my camera, which was upsetting because the office was in a really pretty park area and I missed out on some pretty fantastic how-did-that-cow-get-there? photos.
It's nice to know that Shaun the Sheep is loved everywhere.--Grandma M.