Sunday, October 27, 2013

look mom a blog post

I have an ingrained aversion to telling people what's going on in my life.
Or I'm just lazy.

On the last day of Puja holidays, we went out to eat.

They played Single Ladies. I thought it was hilarious.

It looks gross, but it was actually pretty good.

I had a really bad allergy attack a week ago  (or two weeks ago? maybe? you are severely overestimating me if you think I pay attention to the date. Though it was on a Monday night, I remember that) (we think it was that green soup. turns out you shouldn't disgusting-looking mystery meals)so I was admitted to the hospital for a couple days. Not the most fun I've ever had - I hate hospitals to begin with, and then add on top the fact that I can only understand about 10% of what anyone was saying... yeah. I wasn't happy.

But I did take pictures!

the most uncomfortable IV I have ever worn.

My host mom brought me To Kill A Mockingbird to
help kill the boredom. not a bad book, and Atticus Finch
 is kinda my hero now.

I was admitted under a fake name. *gasp*

they kept taking pictures, so I decided to return the favor.

me and my bff, the oxygen mask

the remnants of THAT IV.
 It took a couple days for me to recover fully, and all the Rotarians are still hovering (it WAS a week ago. or a week ago tomorrow. I'm hopeless with time.) So I spent a couple of days just hanging out at home, since I was still on holiday. Of the 4 weeks I've been here, school has been out for 2 1/2 weeks. Lucky me.

My host family had to go to Calcutta to visit the passport office the day after I got back from the hospital, so a family friend took me to see a family Puja (prayer thing. I never got a full explanation) an shopping.

we're not supposed to take pictures.
(but don't worry, I'm an American.)

In the hall of the mall of.... Durgapur.
Karwa Chauth was a couple of days ago, so my host sister and I watched my host mom and the women in the "Ladies Club" perform their puja.

When school finally started up again, a cooking class was getting ready to present their dishes for marks, so I got to watch them for a while. I couldn't stay until they were done, but it was fun to watch some budding professional Indian cooks.



  1. I am glad that you are feeling better! Thanks for the pictures. I love going to India through your eyes. I hope that you stay allergy-free for the rest of your trip (well, for the rest of your life would be nice, too. But first things first).

  2. Yay daughter, I love the blog posts!! ((HUGS))

  3. Oh, and I'm SO glad you've finally read To Kill a Mockingbird. It was one of my favorites when I was a senior in HS.

  4. I am totally surprised that you had not read To Kill a Mockingbird. I thought that was required reading for all middleschoolers everywhere. At least that is one good thing about being in the hospital--your host mother gave it to you to read, although that would not have been a book I would have thought to have shown up in India. BTW, the picture with the mask is a classic. Glad you are feeling better. Grandma M.

  5. There is no such thing as a comfortable IV, unless they put you out cold (or give you lots of morphine), then it's not so bad. ;)

  6. I love the way your family loves to read. As a CPA, all I read was tax law, updates, planning ideas, etc. I got out of the habit of reading.

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